Archived News

Air Traffic
Updated: January 15th, 2018

Jeanette Diehl- Director Airport Portfolio

The CENAC (Community Environment & Noise Advisory Committee) held a public meeting on December 6. The airport is set to expand and increase the number of flights overhead; and noise mitigation has been a hot button topic amongst several communities. A five year plan called
“Growing Responsibly” was presented and is available online, which outlines commitments related to the responsibilities of the GTAA over noise management. Here is the link to read the full report.

Of note, the committee has recommended that Noise Sharing (which would have affected our neighbourhood on weekends) will NOT happen. This is good news for our community.

Also, no new runways are scheduled to be built. The expansion can occur using the existing key East/West runways. The North-South runways will only be used as needed. Again, this is good news for our community.